It is with the utmost gratitude for our countless supporters and our confidence in the determination and dedication of the Horace Mann School community that we enter the final phase of our capital campaign, HM in Motion. The result of years of careful study of how best to enhance our students’ growth as scholars, athletes, and leaders, HM in Motion supports the construction and renovation of the spectacular new facilities on Horace Mann School’s Bronx campus. These well-planned and carefully constructed facilities, which opened to our students in September 2018, have already demonstrated lasting benefits, cultivating excellence in both teaching and learning, and contributing to the richness and relevance of each student’s journey through HM.
With the help of the exceptionally generous parents, alumni, and grandparents who make up the HM community, we have met our initial campaign goal one full year ahead of schedule. As our students routinely exceeded our expectations in the classroom, on the playing field, in the studio, and on the stage, our friends, both near and far, exceled in their own right, with unprecedented levels of support that have served as the foundation for this campaign.
While we have exceeded our initial $100 million goal and though we have very nearly completed our planned construction and renovation, there is still plenty of work to be done to turn our entire vision for Horace Mann into a reality. We are asking for your support to ensure that this campaign is fully-funded and that the School can return to being fully-focused on providing our students with a world-class educational experience.
As members of this community, we serve as stewards of our beloved School, responsible not only for preserving HM’s legacy of excellence but also for preparing the School and its students for the future. All of us and our children have benefited from the generosity of yesterday’s parents, alumni and friends; today, it is our turn to take up the mantle. We hope you will join us in this important effort by making an investment in the future of Horace Mann School.
With best wishes, always,

Thomas M. Kelly, Ph.D., P’18
Head of School

Larry Grafstein P’11,’12,’15
Chair, Board of Trustees
Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs
Michael Colacino ’75, P’22, ’22
Howard Lutnick P’14, P’16, ’19, ’24
Dr. Thomas M. Kelly P’18
Campaign Co-Chairs
Matthew Mark ’90, P’20, ’22, ’25
Carolyn Okin P’14, ’15, ’18
Michael Pruzan ’83, P’24, ’25
Campaign Ambassadors
Stephen Mong P’21, ’25
Bridget and Michael Capasso ’90, P’27, ’29, ’31, ‘33
Michele and Drew Figdor P’17, P’18, ’25
Natasha and Marc Cornstein ’88, P’24
Catherine Wallace ’87 and Ian Wallace P’22, ’24
Campaign Cabinet
Alisha Alonso P’30, ’31, ’33
Glenn August P’16, ’21, ’27
Dan Benton P’24, ’29
Page Bondor ’86, P’18, ’23
Ray Chan ’91 P’23, ’25
Robin Dracos P’16, ’22
Josh Einiger ’96, P’32
Brian Eizenstat P’25, ’28, ’32
Amy Finzi P’26, ’29, ’31
Jennifer Ocean and David Goldsmith ’89, P’24, ’30
Larry Graham
Ashley Grant P’22, ’22, ’24
Jonathan Harris P’25, ’29
Marjorie Kuhn P’03, ’05, ‘09
Ruchi Kumar P’22, ‘26
Monica Mandelli P’24, ’28, ’28
Renee and Andrew Marquardt P ’23, ‘25
Matt Morgado ’94, P’32
Carly and Dan Rosenberg P’24, ’27, ’30
Rob Schweitzer ’86, P’30
Mariko Zeitlin P’15, ’17, ’22, ’29
Sally Zhang P’26